Where are we going?

Finding solutions to problems

There is a problem with solar. Lack of information that is reliable. Vendors acknowledge only their products. The web is a morass of incomplete info as people hug knowledge to their chests as if it were worth more hidden away then shared.

The role of Bobolink Solar is to find solutions and share that information.

If we can make a dollar or two helping sell the solutions; that would be a good thing. For us, for you, and for the companies creating unique and useful products.

How to help


We hope you will join us on our journey. Please, if you have knowledge, share it here. Or send us a link to where you have shared the knowledge. We gather and promote this information as part of our mandate.


If you have a product that is “islanded.” That exists on its own and yet needs to become part of a larger community. Please submit the product link and a place where we can learn more about it. This service is free.


Bobolink will support the creation and distribution of manuals and installation instructions. We can help you develop more comprehensive and understandable documentation. We have a “senior documentation” resource with 30 years at a large corporation available. As well as more junior resources. There may be a fee for this work.


I don’t have to say that the world is changing. Climate change is a reality. We need to modify our behaviours. We need to build new methods of energy creation, have new ideas about consumption.

At Bobolink our role is push solar up the hill. Alternative, smarter energy use and creation is a cornerstone of the climate solution.

We hope your hands, backs and brains will join us in this task. That you will help us create a resource to further the growth of our energy evolution.

Peace and happiness. From the hearts at Bobolink Solar.


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